Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Some Really Awesome News, and Some Sad News

First the Really Awesome News!

Melissa from the Maternity photoshoot is in the hospital right now and has been induced! 
We are waiting to hear when the baby is born!!!!

Now the Sad News...

Fin, my two year old King Betta died yesterday....

And my little Zuko died today.

I will miss them both.
Fin was quite the character and Zuko was a big grump...
But they were my little "babies" and I enjoyed spoiling them.

I do still have three others....

God bless,
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  1. I'm sorry your fish died. They were very pretty!

    1. Thankyou, and yes my little bettas were quite gorgeous! I love Bettas immensely (which explains why I had five at one time!)

  2. Rebecca - I'm so sorry to hear about your fish. Loss of a pet can be a really significant event and often is ignored and misunderstood by people around us. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

    1. Thankyou so much for your kind words, they are VERY special to me and alot of people don't get why I love my little bettas so much or how very happy they make me,I think Fin's death was more upsetting to me, as she was such a sweetie pie. Losing two in a two days time is quite saddening. With this loss though, we plan to soon welcome some new bettas and give them a nice home with us. :) Thankyou again!

  3. Oh dear...I'm so sorry to hear that your fish died. I hope that you find some really pretty ones that will make you just as happy!

    I am praying for Melissa too...so excited to see their new baby girl soon! :)
