Thursday, August 31, 2017

Stuff and Things

My absence from this blog for about a month now was unintentional and partly due to boredom I suppose. I don't think blogging is quite as popular now as it was when I first started and it does occasionally feel like I'm talking into a empty room. I used to get reader interaction all the time which made blogging quite enjoyable for me but now it's very rare. 

I still have lots of thoughts I'd love to share on current events and topics but I'm hesitant to attract negative attention because of the opinions I have. Not to mention anything you write on the internet stays forever, and some people LOVE to dredge up old and abandoned ideas people have expressed in the past and harass them. Because people obviously have no ability to change their opinion on something after 5+ years (*sarcasm*)

Anyways, I hope to be posting again soon once I get over this complaining mood 😐

Love, Rebecca

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