Friday, March 30, 2012

Tale of the Four Brides begins Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

It begins Monday!!


Be sure to visit! 

God Bless, 
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Thursday, March 29, 2012

My laptop is sick....

So our laptop decided to catch the Google redirect virus.
Thus rendering blogger useless. 

Thankfully my husband's old laptop works...somewhat. 
So now I am blogging again! 

It was hard being unable to blog for so long!! 
I am way behind on alot of work I need to do, not only to get "The Tale of the Four Brides" ready, but I am also in charge of my church's website and Teen's blog and haven't been able to work on those either. 

Off to go catch up on everything... 

God bless, 

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Laptop Hates Me.

Something is severly wrong with my laptop, 
seems to be a virus malfunction.

I am having a VERY hard time accessing my blogger dashboard to work on my posts. 

Luckily I have two posts pre-scheduled for next week, and hopefully they should still load. 

If you all don't see anything up for a few weeks please pray for us to get the laptop working again. 

And please pray for the tale of the Four Brides project... 


God bless, 
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Your Help is Needed!!

After having two separate girls come to me with boy-related problems just this past weekend, I am even more convinced that this series is exactly what the Lord wants me to write. 

[Free Image] Nature/Landscape, Beach, Heart, 201009190500

This week I ask my readers to please be in special prayer for this series, and if you know any young girls who would benefit from this, please share this series with them. It will only be a blessing to girls if they get a chance to read it! 

I also am asking for YOU to take part!! 

Do you have any godly advice for girls who will soon be seeking for a man? Do you have any advice for the girls who are courting? 

Please share it in the comments of this post and I will include some to my series!! 


God bless, 
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"Tale of the Four Brides" 
begins NEXT WEEK!!
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Friday, March 23, 2012

Jordan's Visit!!

Do you all remember my dear friend Jordan? She was one of my bridesmaids!
She came down with her mom this past weekend and we went out to lunch with them. 

My darling husband! 
We went to a cute little Pizza and Ice Cream restaurant. 

The pizza was fabulous.

My dear Jordan! It was so good to see her again!

 We talked her mom into getting in the photo! 

It was very nice day!! 

God bless, 

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring!

Yesterday was not only the first day of spring, and not only the 3 year anniversary since we started courting... it was also Rita's Free Italian Ice Day!
We drove down to the college with my in-laws to visit Jessica (my sister-in-law) and go to Rita's!

Rachel, Hilarie, Hannah and Jessica all crammed in the back seat on the way to Rita's!

Rachel and Hilarie!

Shadow came with us too...

I forgot to tell you all but we recently passed the 8 months anniversary since our wedding!!

Waiting in line...

I got Tropical Fusion.... tasted like Hi-C punch.

Rachel and Hilarie enjoying this sweet treat!

My mom-in-law bought a doggy treat at Rita's too!
Is that cute or what?

Shadow LOVED it!

I had the pleasant surprise of my brothers showing up!
Here is Collin!

And this is Brandon.... who refuses to smile for the camera!!

A few more people showed up that we knew!

Aaron, one of the singers from our wedding, enjoying his ice!

"Look up in the sky! Is it a Bird? Is it a plane?
No its JESSICA!" :)

Justin and his good friend Randall.


We saw these cute kids eating some Ice. They all had blue!

The line as we were leaving...

Just another family enjoying this spring treat!

Bye Rita's! Thanks for making the first day of Spring even more exciting!! 

God bless, 

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Three Years Ago...

[Free Images] Flowers / Plants, Narcissus ID:201203150400 
3 Years ago on the first day of spring, on
March 20, 2009,
Justin asked me to start courting. 

[Free Images] Objects, Book, Heart ID:201112100600
I am SO GLAD I said yes. 
We had a special meal to celebrate, 
and we will be heading to "Rita's" for free Italian Ice today... 
Our very "sweet" tradition to celebrate this day. 

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Been A Long Week

Last week was a very long one for me. 
Periodically I will have an unbelievable amount of trouble trying to get to sleep at night. 
I have even gone for 3 days on 4 hours of sleep in the past just because I couldn't fall asleep. This seems to happen for a few days straight once every few months. The rest of the time I sleep fine.

This past week wasn't as severe as that one time was, but I did have alot of trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. 

Part of the reason I seem unable to fall asleep is because I am worrying. 
What am I worrying about? 
People, my friends. People I know and love.
I worry about their well being, if they are having a problem or health concern. 
I worry, worry worry! I try to pray for them instead of worrying but sometimes it is hard not to worry as I am praying. 

Needless to say alot of things good and bad have been happening to people I know and love very recently. 
Someone is expecting, excited for this new little one, 
someone already had a baby, 
someone is praying about a very special person and about possibly courting, 

Someone was sick, 
someone has a severe injury they are recovering from ,
someone recently lost a loved one,
someone was hiding a bad choice, 
someone was dealing with a health problem, 
someone has been making very bad choices in their life,
someone is worried about making the right college decision. 

All these things that come up in life that we all have at some point. Some is good, some things not-so-good. 

Needless to say the not-so-good stuff caused me to worry and not sleep. 
Thankfully I have a loving Lord and a loving husband who helped me get through this worry and the depression that came with it. 

I am feeling a little better, but very worn out to say the least.

I am hoping for a better week! Thankyou to everyone who prays for me and my husband!! 
God bless, 
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To All My Awesome Readers...

Believe it or not, just a few months ago I was honestly contemplating whether I should take a break from blogging, or stop altogether.  I even briefly thought about closing my blog down.

I was experiencing a severe writer's block and boredom with my blogging. I couldn't think of anything interesting to blog about!! I think this was partially from the fact that the wedding planning had taken over my blogging for almost a year... and now I was stumped. 

But, thanks to the post on Anime I was able to get past my writer's block!Hooray!

And now with my new project "The Tale of the Four Brides" I am once again enthusiastic about my blog!

I just want to say thanks! You deserve a hug!!


A few shout-outs to some of my most loyal followers...

Sally, (Owen Family Story) thanks so much for all your comments!! They make me smile!!
Katy!!  my awesome "adopted" little sis, Thankyou so much for being my friend!!
Melissa Thankyou for all your encouragement in the Lord!!
Angel, thankyou for your support with my "Tale of the Four Brides" project!!
And Gail thankyou for being such a wonderful example!!

If you are a loyal follower, thanks so much!!
You all make my day!

If you would like to help promote my "Tale of the Four Brides" project, let me know!!

God bless,

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Youth Pursuit

Photos from our trip to Light House Baptist church!
This photo was taken as we were headed home, we saw this "Lady Liberty" on a sidewalk so Justin pulled over and had me take a photo!

Our van full of our teens...
I love them all...but they sure are loud some times!!
the music leader... My brothers actually used to play with this guy when we were younger! I hadn't seen him in years!

The "CheeTOES" game.
Eat Cheatos with your feet....ew

The teens watching the game...

The pastor at Lighthouse

The youth pastor

Lighthouse's teen choir

The Guest Preacher, Pastor Mike

Great response to an awesome sermon on choices

Jenna, Sarah and Jordan...


Anna and Leah...

I couldn't believe how many teens were there!!

The "unfold a frozen shirt" game

The winner! He is actually from my home church!

"Spraying shaving cream off the goggles"

This is what happens when you throw candy at a gathering of teens...

The Lighthouse Ensemble. 

We had fun day and our Teens enjoyed the trip! 

God bless, 

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