Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Photos of the Aquatic Kind

If you have been reading Butterfly Days for a while now you might have guessed that I really adore fish and other underwater creatures. If you didn't guess that...well.... I really love fish!! I own 5 bettas and I spoil them greatly. 

That being said Justin also loves fish so we have made many dates out of visiting pet stores, and we recently visited a tiny, unassuming pet store that turned out to be a hidden treasure. The sheer variety of saltwater and freshwater fish was amazing. Not to mention the 1,300 gallon aquarium that was there! Unfortunately I was not able to get a photo of that aquarium due to many people standing in front of me and since the shop was small there was not much room. Anyways, I did get photos of the other fish!

This is a blackwedged butterfly fish. As much as I love photographing fish, they are probably the hardest next to birds. Fish tend to be very skittish and dart around very fast. 

This little guy is a personal favorite of mine in the Butterflyfish family, this is a Copperband Butterflyfish

This big guy is in the Triggerfish family.

Almost everyone will recognize the clownfish! The fancy guy on the left is a Sailfin Tang

Not quite sure what this little guy is but he is pretty cute!


These are freshwater angelfish

Don't know what this little guy is, but look at those colors!

I used to have a black Tetra!

Look at those patterns!

Another freshwater angelfish!

I believe this is a cichlid....

he looks like he is smiling...

I believe these are in the goldfish family

And of course, the good old bubble-eyed goldfish with some koi!

I filmed some of the fish too!

I hope you enjoyed the photos and the video :) Which fish are your favorites?

God bless, 

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