Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October- Bullying Awareness Month


I have personally dealt with bullies myself both in life and via the Internet. I have been picked on, cursed at and treated like garbage.  I like what this lady had to say. 
I just want to add that especially in the area of weight it is not always merely a "eat less exercise more" problem. There are MANY factors that can cause weight gain and delay weight loss.

Christians need to know this too. I have seen so many "Christians"  who were indeed just mean bullies. AKA "Holier-than-thou" type of people who are harsh, critical and judgmental. I have relatives who act like this. 

Like she said, we need to be kind, and teach our kids to be kind And I will tell you this, those people who took time out of their day to say something kind to me have a very special place in my life.

I have a Tumblr that I have been running for several months now called "The Perfection Deception" , this Tumblr blog is all about bullying/selfworth/depression/being good enough.

God bless, 

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  1. I is so true that the answer to weight problems is not always "eat less, exercise more". There are certainly people who overeat and/or do not exercise. If they cut calories and exercise, they can lose about two pounds a week. In other words, in a year they can lose a whole person! For those of us with metabolic issues, finding a successful weightloss program can be very difficult. Along with our own low self esteem we face judgment from people with normal or hyper metabolism who simply think we are lazy. It has actually been shown that doctors don't work as hard to diagnose illness in overweight patients because they simply attribute any sysmptoms to weight related issues.
    Okay- what I menat to say was, "Hear, Hear! I agree with you!"

    1. More news reports have stated that she has a thyroid problem which DOES make it very hard to lose the weight! And the guy who wrote the letter is a "fitness-guru
      type of person. Apparently he has written another letter and is not changing his tune. I am thankful she has the support of her husband and colleagues!


  2. I liked this, also. I want to make my own youtube video on my own cyber bullying experience. I really admire this lady for what she did. And boy are you right about "Christians!'

    1. If you do be sure to send me a link to the video!! :)

  3. I heard about this lady and WOW, did she do a fantastic job defending herself. Bullying is something that I don't have first hand experience with, being that I was homeschooled. But, I have been (and still do) made fun of for my weight as my own family. It is hurtful, rude and beyond words. I am glad that you posted this because it just reminds me that we are all created in GOD'S image and no two people are identical. We are all so different (thank God for that, amen?) and perfect in our own ways.

    Rebecca, you are a lovely young woman that God is molding and fashioning into HIS perfect will and way. Don't ever let anyone get you down about how you look because honestly, you are GORGEOUS. (If you don't believe me, just as Justin. :) Inside and out. :)

    1. awwww.... thankyou *blushing*
      I am glad that this was a blessing to you. I showed it to Justin and he loved it! I thought if it helped me so much, maybe others would be encouraged!
