Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I hate October

So I just realized that exactly 1 year ago from this past week, I was waiting for the results of an MRI for my ankle. There was a possibility of a tear in a muscle, I might need surgery etc.

1 year from that I had actually twisted my ankle. 

October is REALLY not my month. 

The epidural injection is tomorrow and I am beyond terrified. I don't like needles. They make me feel so sick. :( 

In conclusion- I really hate October now. 
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  1. I, too, am a needle-hater. Here's how I get through it. 1. I never look at the needle. I actively look away from wherever the needle is. Sounds silly; really helps. 2. I engage the doctor/nurse in active conversation. Talking is the *best* distraction. These two things make needles bearable.

    Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

  2. I know how you feel. All of the worst things in my life have happened in March. I always struggle with anxiety and depression around that time as well. It's almost as if I live in a shadow of those events during that time of year. But it does pass and your hard times will too. :)

  3. It really doesn't sound like October is your month! If it helps, November is just around the corner. :)

    Will be saying some prayers for you tomorrow for sure! Instead of thinking about the injection itself, think about the relief it will bring. Not sure if that will help, but it might be worth a try.

    Long distance hugs,
