Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This beautiful young lady is a second cousin of my husband's. I needed to try out some new equipment and she kindly agreed to be my model so I could practice.  

I REALLY enjoyed working with her, Samantha had an ease and a natural affinity for posing for the camera. Getting such genuine smiles is always the goal! 

A big thanks to Justin's Aunt Marianne for letting us have the sunflower from her garden too!

God bless,

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  1. Hey it's beautiful! She's such a lovely model. Can I point out something? I've been noticing in all of your photos that you are quite free with the airbrush and wrinkle remover tools. So much so that it blurs their whole face! It's MUCH more natural when you can still see some skin texture, and it looks much more professional. :) Maybe try cloning beautiful skin over blemishes, or using blemish removal tools? Just an idea!

    1. Yes, I know it is something I am still practicing and trying not to make so obvious. This young lady unfortunately had a severe amount of acne on certain portions of her face. While trying to touch it up those areas always looked off. Since my goal was lighting practice I just didn't spend much time working on that fact. Thankyou very much for pointing that out though!!

    2. Oh wow, I would have never ever guessed her skin was not really smooth to begin with! I know how hard that is to make acne "go away" in photos - I've worked with it and the best thing I can come up with is to clone a patch of skin from right next to the acne spot right onto that area. (like I did in this photo: http://cdn0.fiverrcdn.com/photos/1873670/v2_680/b4after.jpg?1372637026) Anyways, you really do a great job with photography!! Keep it up!! :)
