Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Well This Is No Surprise...

Last night we returned to the pet store with poor little Noel. Although they could not refund us for policy reasons we did learn something very interesting.

Alot of people had been returning with dead bettas barely a week after purchase. So it can be concluded that something is up at the pet store.

We will not be buying any new bettas for a while now. I lost 4 in two weeks due to this vicious bacterial illness. For now we are going to try to keep the two survivors alive and to completely sterilize everything.

If you ever have a betta die and have other bettas.... Here is what we learned to do.

1) throw away any live plants that had been in the bowl of the ill/dead fish.

2) soak the gravel and plastic plants in boiling water.

3) keep one fish net for ill/dead fish. One for healthy living fish. Soak both in boiling water often to sterilize.

4) clean fish bowls in boiling water that has been exposed to a ill/dead fish to kill of bacteria

Well, it's been a long aggravating two weeks....

God bless, ~Rebecca Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. That stinks...hopefully they figure out what needs to be done to stop the fish from getting sick! At least you are learning alot about Bettas...probably more than you care to know!
