Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Lunch with Grandma

We had a Christmas lunch with my paternal Grandmother this weekend. 

The kids were very excited about the cookies! 

My mom and my brother Collin  : D 

My grandma and my dad

Opening cards from grandma

Afterwards Justin and I played Sorry with my mom and my sisters

Katelyn with her popcorn wrapper hat

It actually snowed while we were at my parents...we had a long ride home to get back home as it is and driving in the snow was kinda scary! 

But even though it took 45 minutes longer than the usual time it takes to get home we returned home safe! 

God bless, 

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1 comment:

  1. Just random thoughts about these pictures...

    1. I have the same salt grinder/shaker.
    2. I HATE Sorry...and I always lose. :)
    2. Your mom looks like she has a cold...or she IS cold. LOL! :)
    3. Your dad looks just like his mom. :)

    Enjoy these holidays with your grandparents...I miss mine sooo much. :(

    Happy New Year!
