Thursday, January 17, 2013

Good Enough?

After my weight post, I was a little overwhelmed with how positive and encouraging the comments were. 
It is good to know I am not alone in these struggles. 

I feel it is time to discuss something else I struggle with- in my mind. 
Due to my health problems and my ankle injury occurring so closely after my wedding day, I would be weighed down with sadness. Here I am a newly wed wife and my husband has to take care of so many things because I was laid up with an injury/sick.

Being a new wife and being somewhat helpless was such a burden to carry- and one I am still dealing with. 
When we were courting I was so excited about the chance to take care of my own little home and my own husband to care for. To have these opportunities taken away was hard to deal with. 

So often my sadness takes over and I just feel worthless, and not good enough to be a wife.  
That's when Justin will hold me close, let me cry and tell me that he didn't marry me to clean the house. He married me to be with me, and that I was good enough. 

The other day I was online and I stumbled upon this picture...


Justin saw it over my shoulder and gave me a hug and said, "See dear? You ARE good enough"
This picture still makes me tear up because it is just a part of reminding myself that I have a good man. And that I don't have to be able to clean the house perfectly, or cook perfectly, or look perfectly to be "good enough" for my husband. It reminds me that Justin loves me regardless of my weight/appearance. It reminds me of the nights he just holds me close while I cry and he tells me I am good enough.

I just wanted to share this with my readers, and I hope someone is encouraged by this.

And to any young ladies out there who haven't found "Mr. Right" yet- I just want to say that the man you are supposed to be with WILL believe that you are good enough. He will encourage you to improve and keep growing, but he will first and foremost love you regardless of your height, weight, whether your face is clear or not. Because you ARE more than your appearance. You are You!

God bless,

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  1. Rebecca -- I hear ya! We often have a fairytale idea about what marriage will look like but inevitably it looks different! And it should! All couples are different and "gender roles" don't always apply -- my husband isn't the greatest handyman, but I am! He is much better at cleaning than I am and is detail oriented in a way that I am NOT. We give and take at different times in our marriages and there are times that you WILL physically care for Justin in a way that may seem unfathomable now. Marriages are fluid.

    And although I am guessing you disagree with me, I have to say that one thing came to the forefront of my mind when thinking about your post. Marriages look different. I may mow the lawn, my husband may do the cooking. I may be the spiritual leader of our family while my husband is the primary parent. My brother may be married to another man or my sister partnered without a marriage. Relationships are different. Don't judge yours based on what you see in OTHER pairings.

    1. Stephanie,
      I wasn't judging anyone at all. I don't even know HOW you got that feeling from this post. I was only talking about my personal struggle. How am I judging anyone at all???

    2. NO! I didn't mean you were judgy. I meant that thinking through relationship dynamics make ME think of other people's relationships and how they work. I was referencing previously discussed information - I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. Please feel free to remove the last paragraph of my post.

    3. Oh and to clarify -- I guess I should have put the last sentence differently -- I meant that don't base your expectations on what you see in other marriages/pairings -- if we do that we will constantly feel less-than! Our relationships always are unique.

  2. That pic made ME cry! Yes, you do have a wonderful husband for sure. Life sure turns out differently than what we expect but God takes care of us. Love your blog.

    1. Thank you Laura! I know I am so blessed to have a husband who takes care of me!
