Saturday, February 8, 2014


As I am still recovering from my back injury, I have had a considerable amount of time alone with my thoughts. I would like to share one of them with you. 

While someone who is ill like myself often feels left out, lonely, helpless and forgotten by those living healthier and busier lives there is someone very important who is even more forgotten then the one who is ill- the ones who care for them. 

Be it a mother, father, relative or spouse- the burden of daily care of the sick one's needs falls to them. The constant doctor visits, the waiting rooms, the time spent comforting the sick loved one is often their daily priority. 

I am of course speaking of my dear husband. He has had to watch me cry out in pain while trying to simply sit up, during the arduous task of getting from the bed to the car to the doctors office. Twice he has had to see me taken away in an ambulance, twice crying in a hospital bed. He has had to wait patiently in so many doctors' offices while I had some test or procedure done. He has held my hand and comforted me when I have been terrified of all the needles. 

Justin has helped me dress, wash, and reminded me to take my meds. He took over laundry and cooking. He did all of this with out a single complaint. Little did I know at the time that my husband was suffering. He felt helpless. He felt frightened. He felt like he was failing to protect his wife. 

A few months into our ordeal my husband broke down in tears and I learned just how heavy the burden was that he was carrying. We cried together. It was a very dark and sad time for us. But the next day seemed lighter, sweeter and better. Our relationship has grown stronger and deeper.

I'm writing all this to say, don't forget the sick ones- but especially don't forget the ones who are caring for them. They bear a burden that is a heavy and frightening one. When you take the time to write or contact someone who is ill or injured- take the time to encourage the care taker as well. 

Love, Rebecca

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  1. Very touching post. Read your blog often as I have free time w/ my 5 lil munchkins. Praise GOD for his love through Justin. Praise God for the love you have for each other!! Blessings and health to you <3
