Monday, April 16, 2012

Yesse's Story part 1


"The Perfect Man"
By Yessenia S.

In March of 1998, at the age of eight years old, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. My parents had moved to little Rockville, CT in December and in the apartment right above us lived the pastor of a small church. He had invited my parents numerous times to church and it was not until March that we finally visited. My mom, who had received Christ when she was ten, rededicated her life to the Lord, and my dad became a Christian. After that month, our lives changed dramatically. 

As the years went by our small church closed its doors and in the summer of 2005 I began attending Central Baptist Church. I had attended a Christian school for a few years and was homeschooled the last three years of high school. 

I was never the type of girl who acquired much attention from the males. Which was completely fine, but at the same time (I’m sure most girls feel this way) I dreamed of one day being loved by someone and getting married.

Bride In Wedding Dress Clip Art

 I love watching Disney princess movies, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Erye, etc; basically all of those hopeless romantic movies. But at the age of fourteen I decided that the first guy that I dated/courted was going to be the one I married. I had read “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris, and had read the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. These books changed my mindset about the whole “dating game.” I kept to my commitment, but I was still (and am) a romantic. I dreamed of what I wanted him to be like and look like. I took a page out of one of my notebooks and compiled a list of what I wanted my perfect man to be. I started praying about it, and made sure I prayed the whole list specifically.

Heart Of Love

Now let’s fast forward a bit. I never had a boyfriend, I had a few crushes here and there, and no one interested. This was okay because at the age of 18, I was pretty sure that I had my life all figured out. Sure, I still dreamed and prayed about my perfect man, but that was no longer priority. I was going to go to a Christian college in the Midwest and leave the state of Connecticut. I was going to become a nurse, care for people, and yet at the same time, make good money. I worked hard, received good grades, and yet by graduation, I still had not put an application in for the college I wanted to go to. 

Instead, in June, I found myself in a recruiting office at a local tech institute. I should probably mention something very significant. That spring my church held its yearly Bible conference. Although the theme was about our Baptist heritage, God was dealing with me about something entirely different. At that time, with graduation inching closer, I knew God wanted me to serve him with my entire life. He wanted me completely surrendered.

Love Of Books

 The way I saw it, if these people from the past were able to give their all to God, and stand up for being a Baptist, which cost them their life, why couldn’t I give my life to Christ. Throughout my teen years I struggled with handing over my future to the Lord. It was MY future. As I was contemplating colleges, my mom asked me about attending NEBC. My thoughts, ABSOLUTELY NOT! The whole point was to leave and try to make it out on my own. I remember her saying distinctly to me, “I don’t know Yesse, I just know you should go… You might meet your future husband there.”

Obviously my mom did not understand my history with boys; which is to say, there was no history.

 But at the time of my senior year in school, I was completely career driven and did not think of boyfriends. I had decided that would happen in a year or two after graduation from high school. Again, I still prayed for him. Especially, that summer. At the time I did not know why, of course now I do. 
But even with all the chaos about school and the future; I would find myself lying on my bed at night praying for my future husband to be.


To Be Continued...

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