Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Been A Long Week

Last week was a very long one for me. 
Periodically I will have an unbelievable amount of trouble trying to get to sleep at night. 
I have even gone for 3 days on 4 hours of sleep in the past just because I couldn't fall asleep. This seems to happen for a few days straight once every few months. The rest of the time I sleep fine.

This past week wasn't as severe as that one time was, but I did have alot of trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. 

Part of the reason I seem unable to fall asleep is because I am worrying. 
What am I worrying about? 
People, my friends. People I know and love.
I worry about their well being, if they are having a problem or health concern. 
I worry, worry worry! I try to pray for them instead of worrying but sometimes it is hard not to worry as I am praying. 

Needless to say alot of things good and bad have been happening to people I know and love very recently. 
Someone is expecting, excited for this new little one, 
someone already had a baby, 
someone is praying about a very special person and about possibly courting, 

Someone was sick, 
someone has a severe injury they are recovering from ,
someone recently lost a loved one,
someone was hiding a bad choice, 
someone was dealing with a health problem, 
someone has been making very bad choices in their life,
someone is worried about making the right college decision. 

All these things that come up in life that we all have at some point. Some is good, some things not-so-good. 

Needless to say the not-so-good stuff caused me to worry and not sleep. 
Thankfully I have a loving Lord and a loving husband who helped me get through this worry and the depression that came with it. 

I am feeling a little better, but very worn out to say the least.

I am hoping for a better week! Thankyou to everyone who prays for me and my husband!! 
God bless, 
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  1. I often wonder why it is I suddenly have all this stuff to think about when I lay down to go to bed at night. Sometimes I literally say "BRAIN!!! GO TO SLEEP!!" I have the same problem as you so don't worry, you aren't alone! I do find that praying helps me get to sleep much quicker, or just going into the livingroom and sitting in the recliner for a while. That helps too. Hope you have a better week!! :)

  2. Rebecca,
    As I already told you a couple days ago, I'm praying for you and always here for you!
    As you know, I too struggle with going to sleep, because of my Fibromyalgia. My struggle is not focusing on the pain and trying to relax so I can find rest. Last night was one of those nights that the pain overtook relaxation. It is the day afterward that I find most difficult. Today, I will have to lean on our Lord more and beg for an extra dose (or maybe two) of His grace as I face the day.
    Remember, "Casting ALL your care upon Him, for He careth for you!" ...That's a command. unbelief! Instead of praying and worrying, pray more like this; "Lord, I know you will handle this situation...." That automatically assures you that the Lord is going to handle the situation, not that He might, or when will He? ...I always start my prayers this way when I know that it's something I'm worrying so much about, ~ "Lord, increase my faith!" Even the apostles had to pray that prayer! :)
    He'll give you strength in this area, Rebecca! We all have a cross to bear...Mine is always associated with my pain...I have a frustration cross...etc. Perhaps your cross is one of worry! ...That's okay! Because He says, "Take up your cross and follow me!" (Which means He knew we'd have a crosses to bear! He also told us to lay our burdens at His feet! HE's always there to help us!
    I love you and I'm praying for you Rebecca!!!!
