Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Love Fall!

Well, I have been trying all weekend to post more wedding photos but Blogger is not cooperating!

Hopefully they should be up soon!

I am doing well, I am so happy to say that we are 3/4 of the way through with the unpacking! Most of the college papers are staying packed and between the two of us... we have ALOT of papers and books from 4 years of college! 

My brother Collin is very sweet, he paid for my wedding dress to be cleaned and preserved as a wedding gift to us. :) Thanks Collin!! 

Fall is my favorite season of the year, and I can hardly wait for the colors to change on the trees! With fall comes apple cider and fairs... just a few other reasons I love this time of year. Just wait till Christmas though... I will probably write that Christmas is my favorite season! :) I am looking forward to our first Christmas as a married couple. We met during Christmas, so it is a very special time of the year.

Justin and I are working together to write an original Christmas play for our church's youth to perform. Justin and I both love to write and create stories, and this is our first time writing a story together. I love seeing how our two different styles of writing blend together so well! 
Now that we are married Justin is in charge of the youth group, and that means we also do all the teen activities. This has been very interesting to say the least! We have a great group of teens and it has been alot of fun. What is very exciting for me is to listen to Justin's lessons and devotions for them. He has gone beyond merely devotional lessons, and has been delving deeper into the scriptures with them. I have been learning alot of things too!

One of the blessings of going to Bible college myself is that I have been able to really discuss the Bible with Justin and understand! I know my husband is bound to be a preacher! 

Married life continues to be quite the journey. I love being able to give him a hug when I am sad or upset, and I love how comforting it is! We are learning every day how to not only be each other's best friend... but how to make our marriage successful. We both learn so much from our mistakes and successes along the way! 

I must say I am quite proud of my husband, he has been doing a terrific job and at times he spoils me I think. Not that I mind!! I spoil him too so we are all even! 

Well, I am off to see if Blogger will let me post photos yet! Hopefully they will go up this week!
God bless,
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