Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bible Study Idea II

Due to the apparent confusion I caused with the last post about the Bible Study Idea I thought I would clear some things up.

My husband is the Youth Leader of the teen group at our church. We organize and direct all youth activities. The Bible study idea was something I could possibly do with the teen girls in my own home, once a month. This is something I could definitely do within the bounds of me being sick/semi housebound. 

I LOVE helping people. It is a passion of mine, I am at my happiest when I can help people. I KNOW what it is like to struggle with feeling inadequate because of my appearance, and the journey it took to know that my husband thinks I am beautiful even if I have scars/acne/weight. 

My problem with writing it down is NOT that ideas are not coming to me- they are! I have so many ideas!! The problem is I want to type it out in a sensible order, not just rambling thoughts. I am having difficulty with that. 

I don't know if I am going to do the Bible study yet. I am praying about it and looking up/researching. 

If you have any suggestions, books, devotionals or links to great articles on dating, modesty, positive self body image etc... please send them my way. I have ALOT of material to work with but the more I can get my hands on the better! If I am able to do this it won't be till the fall anyways.

A big thankyou to the kind commenter : ) 

God bless, 
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  1. The absolute BEST study I ever did was Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God" Workbook. It helped me so much to see that God wanted ME not what I (thought I could) DO for Him. That will change your whole view of yourself. It hasn't completely conquered all my feelings of inadequacy. I also have a weight problem. And when you're 36 and you've never even been asked on a date, it is hard to feel that there is anything good about yourself. BUT at least I am actually forming a true relationship with God now instead of merely following a list of rules and thinking that was all God wanted from me. This study helped me to see that He didn't want my good works, He wanted my heart. When your good works flow from your love FOR Him rather than your desire to deserve or earn His love (not for salvation, but as His child), it makes all the difference.
    It does use NKJV, but when words do differ, it's not that hard to look them up in the KJV if you so desire. It will change your life.

  2. Who Calls Me Beautiful by Regina Franklin is VERY GOOD!!!
