Thursday, February 19, 2015

20-Something and Still Confused

Hello Readers! 

I'm turning 26 soon, and that to me is crazy. I know I'm still just a "young spring chicken" as some would say! Still in my perspective it's mind-boggling. I feel like I was just turning 16 a few days ago, and here I am 10 years later. 

I'm definitely not where I thought I'd be in life when I was 16 and thinking of the future. I thought I would be a mother by now, and maybe have a little photography business on the side.

Instead I am dealing with a back injury and spending my days struggling to do simple tasks. But at least I am still here, I have a WONDERFUL husband and life goes on. 

Last year before my 25th birthday I felt quite panicked. It's a common myth we 20-somethings have to deal with- this idea that we should "have it all together." My 20s are passing me by so quickly and I had accomplished nothing so far. Being an adult is confusing... but I've been learning over this past year that it is simply not true- and that it is totally ok to not have everything figured out in life.   
I've been happier in the past 6 months than I had been in a while. I am slowly coming to terms with my limitations because of my back pain, and I am learning better how to handle my anxiety and depression. I still get my low moments, but it has not been anywhere near as bad as it used to be. 

I have been meeting with my pastor as often as I can do- about once every month or so. Counseling is AMAZING. Especially when you have a compassionate and patient pastor. It can be an exhausting process dealing with all my doubts and fears but it's one of healing. Our pastor and his wife have been the most encouraging in reminding me that I DON'T have to be perfect. 

I still have to do with a considerable amount of loneliness. Being sick keeps you home-bound. It is also hard to build relationships when I am always paranoid that I'm annoying to be around. (still working on that!)

So now, to all my readers who are past their 20s, 
What was your experience in those years? Did you ever experience the panic that you didn't have everything figured out? Any advice for us younger ones? 

Love, Becca

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  1. I'm so glad that your pastors are encouraging and helpful and willing to say that we don't have to be perfect. I spent too many years heaing "Fake it till you make it" and knowing that I could never let on that I wasn't perfect, and that is so wrong.

    And I am so pleased that your last six months have gone so well. I hope they continue to get even better!

    I always have to remind my self that God's timing is not ours. We don't have to know what is in the future, we only have to take the next step with Him. He knows what is ahead. Though that is a lot easier to write than to do!!

  2. I'm not past my 20's yet (I'm 23:) but just wanted to say that you aren't alone. I'm in grad school and happy, but yet I do wonder sometimes if this is the right path. I do think it is most of the time and have prayed about it, but I know that I don't have it all figured out if that makes sense. And I am not where I thought I'd be at 23 either! At 16 I imagined being married or at least engaged at 23 and I've not gone on a single date, haha! I'm also on a different career path than I thought I would be. So, just know that you aren't the only one. ;) Praying for you!
