Sunday, April 22, 2018

I Tried

Last week I started writing a big ol’ blog post for you all. I spent a couple hours typing my thoughts down, editing it and getting it just right. Once I was satisfied with what I had written I hit that faithful save icon… and my work vanished. I think you could hear my will to live shatter.

Apparently I made the mistake of typing my post on the memo pad app on my phone (which does not auto-save) and it was lost to the void forever. My husband tried to help me recover it but no luck. So when I scrape my inspiration up off the floor I'll re-write the darn thing. Might take a while.

In other news I'm still struggling with the passing of my in-laws dog Mason. It hurt the most going to their house and feeling the obvious lack of his presence. No wagging tail thumping loudly into the cabinets. No sad brown eyes. His favorite blanket gone.

I've cried a lot this week. My husband says my heart just has a very special spot for pets that is protective and sensitive. He isn't wrong. (I’ve cried over fish)

I know someday my own beloved cat will pass on and I've teared up about it since we got him. He's only 3 years old and while I hope he has a long and healthy life I know that might not be the case for him. To me Oliver isn't just a cat, he truly is my buddy. He’s my friend and companion. It's rare to fall asleep or wake without him by me. He is a very good boy and has a great personality. I would miss him a lot.

So for now I make sure to enjoy the furball while he is around. The pain of losing him will be a reminder that for a time he was here, he was my bud and he made a big impact on me.

Love Rebecca

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