Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Hello Readers, 

I am finding it harder and harder to post consistently on my blog lately. Partially because my life is extremely boring since I am sick all the time and partially because I don't receive much interaction with you all any more. I miss everyone's lovely comments so much. I am actually genuinely worried that I bored you all so much that my readers are leaving. 

I wish I had more interesting things to post about because I really do LOVE blogging! But my life is just boring, boring, boring. I don't do much beyond spending time with my husband or visiting family members. My back has been off again and that severely limits me. Not to mention I had to deal with a kidney stone and an ear infection. 

My father-in-law has recently had back surgery and he is slowly on the mend. He has had herniated discs since 2012. We are all praying that this surgery gives him some much needed relief from the pain. 

I don't have much else to say right now, I am hoping that I am just in a major writing rut lately and that I will spring back soon. 

I would love to hear from my readers though! I miss you all. 

Love, Rebecca

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  1. I am sorry you are still feeling so sick BUT I do still come and read your blog! Love and hugs and prayers! Katy

  2. Dear Rebecca,

    You haven't bored me away! I still check your blog frequently and am praying for you. I don't always (ok don't often) comment, but I will try to be better at doing so!

    Mary in PA

  3. Hi Rebecca! I don't blog, but I hate that stuck in a rut feeling, ugh. I love your writing, especially when you talk about your struggles with anxiety, it's honest and refreshing after so many picture perfect mommy blog types. Not sure if you follow the blog Sometimes Sweet but she posted what I thought were some great blogging tips a while back: hope you can push through and find your voice, I really enjoy your writing. Take care!

  4. I still enjoy reading! I'm a reader from Portland OR and I don't think I've ever commented.

    I enjoy hearing about your unique perspective on life, and your adventures with loved ones.

  5. Rebecca, hang in there, friend! Just because your life isn't full of activities doesn't mean it isn't full of meaning! Struggles are real, and everybody has them. I pray that the Lord is showing himself faithful to you through all of them. And please keep blogging!

  6. Rebecca, don't ever for a moment think you are boring! There's a lot going on in that pretty head of yours and people are interested! I don't blog, but I do check in on yours at least once a week so don't stop doing it! I think probably most of your followers are maybe young women newly married or soon to be married or hopeful to be married so writing to that audience is probably the most captivating. I think people want to know what you do all day, what you and your husband do together for fun, how your pets are doing, what your plans are (are you saving for a house, do you plan to have kids, do you think you want to have a job outside the home, are you exploring a hobby, etc.). You are a very interesting person -- I think you're just burned out on your routine! And certainly your health challenges get tiring for you -- maybe it's time to move to a different climate? The world is at your fingertips if you're not tied to a mortgage or kids or whatever -- is your husband's job so specialized that he couldn't relocate? Maybe you could take on a volunteer position somewhere if you don't want to have a paying job? Just thoughts. You are sweet and people DO read your blog but some just aren't comfortable commenting, I guess. Hang in there!!

  7. I love reading about you and your married life journey, I will pray that you feel better :) have you tried natural remedies?, life can be boring if we want it to be, you could try and embrace a new hobby of your interest (sewing, embroidery, gardening, baking etc...) there are so many !. Hope everything gets well soon .

