Monday, March 18, 2013

Nothing New to Report

I have been wracking my brains all week for a new blog post but it seems that I am kind of in a writing-rut. 
Nothing really to tell you all. I have been having some unpleasant reactions to my medications. Your prayers are appreciated!! 

Life has been tough lately. I am SO OVER being sick. (Who isn't?) 
I think I am getting cabin fever from being cooped up here at home- but going out is really hard to do at the moment. I get VERY sick after going out.  :( 

I haven't even been to church in awhile and this has been incredibly depressing. I do listen to sermons when I can't go but it is not the same. 

I should add that the medication I am on right now makes me VERY depressed and emotional. So if this post sounds depressing that's why! 

Nothing new to say on my stupid ankle. The dumb thing is fighting against healing. 

Anyways- I hope you all are faring much better than I am!! 

I love you all! 

God bless, 
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  1. Hugs!! Sorry the meds are making you feel worse. The hypothyroid meds should actually relieve depression once you get the dosage worked out.

  2. Depression STINKS, but so many of us suffer from it for a variety of reasons. And everyone wants to give advice, I've found. And at the sake of giving you advice, just give yourself permission to be depressed! It's not something you can "fix" right now, and it's okay. Allow yourself to do anything that makes you feel better, whether that's watching TV or sitting on the patio in the sun in a pair of sweat pants that you wouldn't leave the house in, or eating an entire bag of potato chips -- just do it if it makes you feel better. Hugs to you.

  3. Is it the thyroid meds or the Metformin making you feel sick? If it is the thyroid meds, there are options. If you're on the synthetics- levothyroxine, synthroid, etc.- see about switching to a natural supplement (still prescription) like Armour Thyroid or NatureThroid. If it is the Metformin, Maybe your doctor will agree to start you out on a lower dose until your body accustoms. Also, Metformin doesn't bother me UNLESS I eat sugar. Make sure you are watching your carbs and at least not going over the daily recommended amount. Other than that, follow Karen's advice and do something nice for yourself today! Hope you have a great one!
