Monday, May 7, 2018

Some Toothy Drama

 This is an x-ray of a broken tooth. 
It's my broken tooth 

Several months ago while flossing I felt a sharp pain and to my horror a piece of my tooth had broken off. I have a lot of anxiety relating to dentists so I stupidly ignored this tooth problem, even when I was in severe pain.

Because it is a back molar the broken tooth is not visible when I smile or talk. This made it even easier to ignore.

Two weeks ago I had a bout of stabbing pain. The next morning I was pain free though so I went about my day and had my breakfast. I was actually surprised when I bit something hard while I was eating. It was the last bit of my tooth.

It had continued breaking bit by bit over time and now the crown is 95% gone. I finally confronted my anxiety and we went to the dentist. 

The Good:
The root of my tooth is not infected- yet. There is also no damage to neighboring teeth.

The Bad: 
Not enough tooth it left to save so it has to be pulled

The Ugly:
My wisdom teeth have to go too

I have been avoiding this for years now. All four wisdom teeth have to go and I've known this since I was in high school. Because my bottom molars are sideways and impacted it's going to be harder to get them out.

I've been through two different tooth extraction surgeries in the past so I know what is coming and I'm dreading it. It goes beyond just anxiety for me because I KNOW what I'm in for. 

My frequent vomiting problem is going to complicate things unfortunately and now we have to decide when the surgery will be done and how this problem can be taken care of. I started crying in the consultation with the oral surgeon because he took the vomiting problem seriously and I was not expecting that at all. I feel like most people do not take this issue I have seriously even though it massively affects my life.  

Not looking forward to this.
Prayers are appreciated. 

Love, Rebecca

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  1. Oh dear!
    I had to have all of my wisdom teeth taken out and that's how I found out I was allergic to codeine. Not a good memory and now anything more than a routine cleaning/x-rays freaks me out! I'm so glad the doctor took your vomiting problem seriously - such a blessing!

    Prayers that everything goes the way God wants it to!
    Long distance hugs,

  2. So sorry about the tooth. I HATE tooth pain. See a primary doctor for your vomiting! Keep seeing them until something works. There are treatments! Cyclic vomiting syndrome often responds to migraine type treatments.
