Monday, July 7, 2014

Quick Back Update

Just wanted to answer some questions from my readers regarding my back, 

Regarding Surgery: the first doctor to see me said that surgery should be a last resort and that most people regret it. I will be getting a second opinion in a couple days so we will see what this doctor says. I am very nervous about the idea of having surgery done but sometimes it seems appealing with this constant pain.

Regarding Physical Therapy: 
Yes I did do physical therapy for a bit and I couldn't move for several days without severe pain after each session so we had to stop.

My back is still not doing well to the point where typing this out is hard because it hurts to sit up. 

If you want to be a blessing and encouragement please keep me in prayers and leave a little comment. I'd love to connect with more of my readers!! 

Love, Rebecca
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  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  2. I am sending prayers your way for an ultimate solution to your back troubles that seem to really be controlling your life. I totally understand -- but it's no way to live. Getting a second opinion is the first step, for sure! Good for you!

  3. Hopefully this new doctor will have some new things to try and a possible solution! Praying hard!

    Gentle Hugs,
