Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mental Health Awareness

Yesterday (October 10th) was World Mental Health Day. 
It was a day to talk about mental well being and another try and removing the negative attitudes toward it. I saw several messages and tweets from online creators talking about their own issues, struggles and victories with various mental struggles. It was encouraging and heartwarming to someone like me.

My struggles have been with depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks and PTSD. I am taking daily medication and see a therapist once a month. Where I am now compared to five years ago is like night and day. I still struggle but I can function now with more confidence. I used to experience panic attacks up to four times a week, now its one to two times a month. I used to never leave my bed because the depression was telling me everything was pointless. Now when I have those thoughts creeping in I go "Oh, just the depression talking," and refocus.

Depression is awful. It sucks your life away. It whispers horrible things to you, convincing you that life is pointless, nothing matters, you are a burden, the world is better off without you... it's an illness that can destroy your most basic instinct - to survive. It is a suffocating mess to deal with. It ruins your perceptions of relationships, reality and your own worth. 

If you are struggling with mental issues know you are not alone and there is hope! Be it medication, therapy or a good support system there are people ready to help. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as brushing your teeth, washing your hands and putting on sunscreen. Our bodies get sick and we care for them - do the same for your brain! 

click here for:

 (I've used a crisis hotline before and it was helpful for my situation! Don't be afraid to reach out 💜)

Love, Rebecca

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