Monday, October 26, 2015

I Am Getting Glasses!

For the past two years or so I have slowly noticed that my vision was getting a tad bit blurry. I didn't think much of it or even actually notice it until recently. I was playing a video game that had words on the screen.  I complained to my husband who was sitting beside me, "This font is terrible! I can barely read this!!" He looked at me and said, "We should get your eyes checked, because it is crystal clear for me,"

So off we went to the eye doctor last week; turns out I have astigmatism and I am a bit nearsighted. When the doctor showed me how I would see with glasses and how I see now I was blown away. Now I really notice the blurriness and it is so obvious- how did I miss that!!? 

Once I get my glasses I will have to play "A Whole New World" from Aladdin for the whole day. 
I hope I can pull of wearing glasses.

Got any glasses related stories to share? I'd love to hear them! 

Love, Rebecca
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1 comment:

  1. All four of us wear glasses - my husband and I got them very young (age 2 for him, age 3 for me) so I guess that's not much of a surprise that our children need them too.

    Right after I got my first pair of glasses (at age 3) we went to visit my grandparents, who lived on a farm and had a huge gravel turn-around driveway type area for the machinery. Grandpa was making birdhouses out of milk cartons and decorating them with pebbles from the driveway so they would look like they were made of stone. He charged me with picking up the "the prettiest rocks" and bringing them back for him to use. My outfit had no pockets. So guess what I used to carry my rocks,. My glasses! Hurray for 3-year-old thinking! :)

