Over the summer Justin and I have been able to enjoy watching adult birds teaching their fledglings how to forage for food. I felt incredibly lucky to be able to capture a sweet moment of a male house sparrow feeding his fledgling.
Initially I thought these two were fighting over the feeder and was absolutely delighted when I realized they weren't fighting at all!
The fledgling would pick at the suet herself occasionally, but if the male bird was around she waited for him to feed her.
We have had several fledglings trying to master the acrobatics of eating from the suet feeder. We know when they are at the feeder because it gets quite loud out there!
I've gotten some pretty interesting photos of these young birds trying to learn how to hang on!
Look at that beautiful extended wing!
We had a surprise visit from a Brown Headed Cowbird (right side), I don't often see those birds. We also had the European Starlings visit again with their fledglings.
The birds will gobble down a suet pack in just two days.
Starlings looking for dropped bits of food in the grass
Starlings have some pretty iridescent greens and dark blues
A Mourning Dove popped in for a little bit. I adore Mourning Doves. When I was young we had a nesting pair that built there nest in our Wisteria trellis. I could see right into the nest from my 2nd story bedroom window.
Look at those bright pink feet!
Love, Rebecca