Saturday, October 27, 2018

Celebrating Jess and G

photo by Christian Cabrera

My husband's sister Jessica is getting married today!
I am so very excited to be getting my first brother-in-law! G is a sweet, nerdy and funny guy and I am looking forward to him joining our family. 

I hope my sister-in-law has a perfect wedding day and I wish them the best on their new journey together as a married couple.

photo by Christian Cabrera

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Flamig Farm 2018

Because we had such a wonderful experience last year we decided to go to Flamig Farm for another visit at the beginning of October. I decided to bring my camera this time instead of relying on my phone's camera.

We popped into the little gift shop to pay for admittance and some grain to feed the animals

Their senior farm cat was resting right on the counter. She was very friendly and so soft. 

Even though it was gloomy out and overcast I did end up getting a little sunburned.
Not that it's a hard thing to do. I'm so ridiculously pale.

We took a peek inside one of the sled and carriage barns. They all looked quite old and well used.

I love all-black animals and this cow is literally the cutest cow I have ever seen. There were two other larger cows in this pen that were also black.  

One of the four hundred chickens at Flamig. Most of the chickens were in a barn but several were roaming the grounds looking for bugs to eat.

While doing their bug hunting the chickens ended up scaring little kids half to death by moving. Between the sounds of animals the air was routinely punctured with the shrieks of terrified toddlers. I may have laughed a little bit...

There was a sign on this girl's pen saying she wasn't very good at the whole "petting zoo" thing yet... She enjoys food and fingers apparently. The staff are trying to discourage her enjoyment of fingers.

One of the prettiest chickens I have ever seen. Who knew chickens came in such stunning colors? Chickens may seem boring at first glance but they have so many neat patterns in their feathers once you start noticing.

We saw this hen display her tree perching skills
Not as elegant as your average song bird or hawk but she got up there!

The infamous Guinea Fowl.
 Nature's little air horn. How does a bird with such a tiny head produce that loud of a sound is mystifying.

The goat pen was my favorite stop. I don't know why but I think goats are the cutest. They stalk anyone that they think might have food for them. 

I was happy to see that the ducks had their kiddie pool upgraded to a small man-made pond. They seemed quite content. 

I love watching ducks preen because they wiggle their tail feathers. It's absolutely adorable!

The highlight of our visit was meeting Junior the alpaca. He was born earlier this past year. Junior was very friendly and curious- and so fluffy!

Junior is also mischievous, He knows how to get out of his pen too. We saw him walking around at one point just going about his day after a grand escape.

My husband is 6 feet tall (182.88cm) and this goat made him look tiny.

How she isn't constantly hopping over the fence is beyond me. 

She liked my husband...probably because he was holding the feed bucket.

We heard the donkeys before we saw them.
They were begging for attention more than food. We gave them lots of pets and head rubs.

This donkey seemed curious about my camera. 

I almost thought he knew I was taking photos... he made such dopey expressions.

The emus were fun. They move eerily like a puppet though. It's as if a Jim Henson Muppet came to life. 

I'm also still thinking "How are these things birds???" So big and gangly. 

The sheep surprisingly were VERY vocal. I've heard sheep baa in person before but these guys and gals were so loud.

These piggies may not look very big in my photos but they were huge. They were also preoccupied in the pile of compost looking for bugs and food. 

Spotted pigs are very cute in my opinion. Cuter than classic pink pigs.

Antique McCormick Farmall tractor sitting near the pig pen. I wonder if it still runs?

The ponies were across from the pig pen enjoying some hay. 

This one kept stamping it's hoof to get our attention.

Looks like this 19 year old Shetland enjoyed some hay too. 

There was a bench by the peafowl enclosure so we sat there for a while and just watched the birds doing their thing.

That blue is just stunning. I love the green hues too.

While we were sitting and watching the peacocks a couple Guinea Fowls were looking for bugs by us. They are not as good as chickens for clearing away the leaves to look for bugs.

They found some worms and kept scratching away.

A peacock with some of those long tail feathers left.
We saw a lot of fallen feathers in their enclosure

A beautiful white Peahen. One of the peacocks kept chasing her.

One of the Clydesdale horses.
 So large but gentle. It made me feel insignificant standing next to these huge animals. 

A photo of Justin because he is just too cute. He had spotted one of the farm cats in a barn window and was watching her.

The peafowl barn with the first hints of autumn colors in te trees nearby.

Before we left and headed home we stopped back by the gift shop and I enjoyed holding the baby chicks.

So soft and tiny.

I'm so glad we went back to Flamig this year. I hope to visit next year! I'd love to bring my nephews there too. 

Love, Rebecca

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