by Charles Edward Perugini
1) What was the first book that drew you into the joys of reading for fun?
As a child the first book that really captured my attention was The Box Car Children. Our local library had a painted wooden boxcar model that held the books in the series. I was obsessed with The Box Car Children for several years.
2) What picture book from your childhood sticks out in your memory?
There are several picture books that I remember, mostly for the beautiful illustrations, one of my favorites was I Had A Cat by Mona Rabun Reeves, and Julie Downing (Illustrator)
3) As a teen what book or book series was your favorite?
The Redwall Series hands down. I LOVED those books and couldn't get enough of them! My personal favorite book in the series was Triss.
4)What was your least favorite book you ever read?
Many Waters by Madeline L'engle. While I LOVED her book A Wrinkle in Time,
I found Many Waters had adult situations and was not appropriate for my age and it made me uncomfortable. Long story short I never read any more of her books.
5)What was your favorite book you ever read?
I, Coriander. The way Sally Gardner describes her characters and settings in this book are breathtakingly beautiful. I have read it several times through.
6)What book is a must-read for your future children?
This is a tough one! For a childrens' books, definitely Elephant and Piggie books, and of course If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
7)What was the funniest book you ever read?
The Five Children and It, my mother read this book to me and my brothers when we were young and I remember the constantly giggling.
8)What was the strangest book you ever read?
Monsieur Eek. Its only strange because its not really my type of book and I read it during my early twenties. It was on my shelf for some reason and I was like, "Hmm, this looks interesting!"
9)What is it that leads you to decide whether a book is enjoyable or not?
If I can relate to the characters in some way will greatly influence my enjoyment of the book. An exciting or simply interesting plot will also pull me in. Characters that are dull and poorly written can be a disappointment as well as excessive crude humor or content.
If I can relate to the characters in some way will greatly influence my enjoyment of the book. An exciting or simply interesting plot will also pull me in. Characters that are dull and poorly written can be a disappointment as well as excessive crude humor or content.
10)What is the title of the oldest book you own and when was it published?
Marigold, 1938. Although I am more fond of my copy of Black Beauty from 1945.
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