Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mystic Aquarium- Part1

For our 3 year wedding anniversary Justin took me to Mystic Aquarium. I have been wanting to go there for a very long time now so I was very excited about our day trip there!

The Beluga whales were doing little things like spinning around and it was so cute!

A sea lion!

In the outdoors area of the aquarium there is a marshlands exhibit. There are many water lilies, cat tails, lily pads and other pretty plants.

Can you see the turtle on the log?

It's fun to look for the various fish, frogs, turtles and birds that live in the Marshlands exhibit

Look at that yellow underbelly! 

These African Penguins were very active when we stopped by.

I LOVE this photo, this little penguin swam up close to the viewing glass.

There is an underground area with giant windows to let you see inside the penguin tank. 

It was awesome seeing little kids interacting with the penguins.

Such a magical experience 

My handsome husband :)

The Aquarium also features an aviary with lots of different parrots.

Look at this adorable Budgie!

We were given these little sticks with millet seeds attached to the ends to attract the brds

This mother holding her kid's teddy got a few feathered friends 

It took a while but a parakeet eventually landed on me.

That's pure joy on my face right there

You may have noticed that I am sitting in a wheelchair, because of the recent knee injury I have been unable to walk as much as I'd like without severe pain. So I could enjoy our trip we rented a wheelchair. I am so thankful we did because it alleviated a lot of worries about dealing with pain.

This is my favorite photo- look at this little girl all poofed up!! :)

This one budgie kept climbing into Justin's pocket! There were signs near the exit about checking pockets and bags for stow-aways. 

They weren't kidding when they told us to check all pockets and purses to make sure we didn't have stow-away birds!

There were also Kookaburras in a separate enclosure. They were very cute! 
I LOVE birds so this was a very fun portion of our trip.

 The Cow Nose Ray touch tank

The rays feel like petting a slightly slimy surface with sand grit.

More photos to follow of the fish!

Love, Rebecca

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