Hi everybody! I'm back : )
I was feeling very discouraged after I hurt my ankle again so I didn't feel like blogging for a bit. I saw a doctor recently and he told me that my ankle will always be susceptible to pain like that from time to time depending on how much walking or standing I had done the day before. It is still a bit sore but I can at least walk now with minor pain.
I was feeling very discouraged after I hurt my ankle again so I didn't feel like blogging for a bit. I saw a doctor recently and he told me that my ankle will always be susceptible to pain like that from time to time depending on how much walking or standing I had done the day before. It is still a bit sore but I can at least walk now with minor pain.
But moving on! Easter this year was spent at my inlaws, it was also my Father-in-law's birthday!

An Easter photo with my husband!

Jessica showing her grandma some photos from college (she is graduating in a few weeks!)

Shadow being absolutely adorable!

Shadow being absolutely adorable!

My inlaws!

Everyone in Justin's family except him was born in April.

Uncle Dave and Aunt Marianne enjoying some cake!

Nimbus all curled up cute!

Nimbus all curled up cute!

We ended the evening by watching Tangled! I haven't seen that movie in a long time :)
I hope you all had a nice Easter!
Love, Rebecca
I hope you all had a nice Easter!
Love, Rebecca