Friday, February 22, 2013

Winter Storm Snowman

I forgot to post these photos from Winter Storm Nemo! 

We tried to build a snowman and well...he fell over. So I made him a snowman with clip art. He probably looks better than our attempt anyways lol.

Apparently we are due for more snow this weekend.... 

God bless, 

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  1. That snowman is cute!

    The weather forecast has predicted more snow here - not sure how much though. There were a few tiny flakes this morning but nothing lasting.

    Hoping that is it as I want to get some gardening done! x

  2. Ha ha!! That picture of Justin flopped in the snow is hilarious! I love snow. :)

    By the way, we just bought my 4 year old daughter a Betta! She named him George and he is a happy little fella. Just thought I would share...she LOVES him. :)

    1. George the Betta! How cool! as a side note,if you are able make sure your daughter understands that Bettas do not live long. (a year at most- 2 if you are extra lucky) My brother had an adorable female Betta named Peach and he LOVED that little fish. She lived about 6 months. He was devastated when she died. He knew they don't live long so that helped some but he misses Peach alot. I hope she enjoys her Betta experience. They are wonderful first pets for kids.

    2. Oh yes, that may be a very sad time. However, she is usually pretty OK with things that happen like that and if she knows that we will get a new one, she will be fine. I have already decided that it is NOT going in her bedroom because I cannot supervise her there and she may try to...well...WHO KNOWS what she will try to do with him. LOL! My sister had a Betta that lived about 8 years...WOW! Most of them do not though and I will have to keep an eye on George. Hopefully if/when he passes, I will find him before Hannah does. We shall see!
