Tomorrow marks our 9th week in social isolation. I'm trying my best to cope.
The beginning of every new week of this pandemic is an emotionally exhausting affair. Especially coming off the heels of a major death in my husband's family; not being around to support or comfort my mother in law with losing her own mother is heartbreaking.
About 2 weeks ago my mother in law had to get tested for COVID19. A coworker of hers had tested positive and the entire building had to be closed for cleaning. My mother in law had been feeling ill herself. After a couple days the results came back negative for COVID19. What a relief. The thought of my mother in law being seriously ill or in the worst case scenario, passing away was absolutely terrifying. I am so thankful she is okay. I love that woman with every fiber of my being.
So far all of my immediate family are still doing okay and staying safe. After 8 weeks of closure their church is opening for services again under precautions. I'm a bit nervous for them, but glad that their church is enforcing the 6' rule, masks and no hugging or handshaking.
I must say I feel like without getting sick, the one who has suffered the most from this pandemic right now in my family is my 21 year old sister. She had just started attending an out of state college to pursue her art degree when the pandemic hit. The college ended in person classes, and a lot of students returned home. My sister stayed because she had a job. She was able to live in the dormitories, meals were provided and online classes started up.
Now that the semester has ended my sister is back home. I feel for her with the frustrations of trying to adapt to a new environment and make new friends only for the virus to disrupt things. I really hope the pandemic ends in time for her to return to the college and continue her art degree.
I personally have been struggling to maintain my sanity. I feel trapped in this situation and feeling trapped causes panic attacks. I know I'm not the only one who is feeling this way. I hope you all are doing okay and hanging in there. I'm finding comfort in my cat and rabbit, doing some artwork and playing my old Animal Crossing games on my 3ds. (Don't have a Nintendo Switch yet so I cant play the new Animal Crossing right now)
Hang in there!
Love, Rebecca 🦋