I thought you all might enjoy getting to know my husband!
He has an awesome goatee.
Justin and the Goat comparing.
I LOVE his goatee! :)
Justin has his inner-child moments...
He has this favorite shirt that he wears...alot. Often he requests for it to be washed asap.
He smiles... in his own way! :)
He is a great teacher and loves our teen group. His burden for them to serve the Lord is so encouraging to me.
My Man is EXTREMELY ambitious. And he loves to cook.
He is an awesome husband!
There is still so much more to Justin then meets the eye.
First off, one of the funniest things is I recently realized I married a "nerd" of sorts! :)
He loves legos, comics and video games, his favorite board game is "Catan"
While that is funny, I also married a man who has many amazing qualities.
Justin is a hard worker, he is very ambitious and the teen activities he puts together are awesome.
My husband has ADD, and sometimes asks for my help to keep him on track. The ADD doesn't affect him too much, but once in a while he needs that extra little help from me.
He is never satisfied with just being average about anything, I love how my husband always strives to improve things whether it be a dish he cooks, or a lesson he teaches.
He has a very creative mentality and loves to write stories or invent new games.
Justin is a very analytical thinker, which is very interesting to me. Its neat to see how he thinks over problems and works out different solutions.
Justin has a servant's heart and a preacher's mind. Discussing Bible doctrines with him is one of my favorite past-times.
My husband is alot of fun! If I am ever "moody" he will do things to make me laugh and help me get out of "I-feel-so-sorry-for-poor-me" moments. And even when I have a good attitude, or just am my normal cheery self, he is alot of fun to be around.
All these things make my man who he is, but the best part is how much he cares for me.
I often struggle with worry and even if it is 3:00 in the morning he will be there for me, talk to me, hold me close and pray for me. He always reminds me that I just need to trust the Lord and not worry.
My husband loves me! Even when I get mad, even when I am sick, even when I am tired,worried and not being the godly wife I want and should be... he just holds me close. He reminds me he loves me. He forgives me.
Then I think that if my husband, an imperfect human being, can love me like that...how much more God loves me!
So that's my long rambling post on my wonderful husband...! :)
God bless,
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